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  • Writer's pictureChelsea Olsen

Case Study: Increased an Agency's Revenue by $102,205 in 7 Days

Updated: Dec 13, 2023

My client was chasing after cold prospects, hoping that they would be the key to making money.

However, they had been in business for over 8 years! There was an easier way to make a quick sale.

They came to me asking a simple question: 

"How can we close $100,000 quickly without cold outreach?"

I told them:

Leverage your current network. 

Focus on reaching out to people who already ‘know, like, and trust’ you. 

AKA – your past clients and prospects. 

They were struggling to increase revenue, so I developed a strategy that helped them reach out to people who knew they actually existed. 

Here's a breakdown of the exact strategy I used to help them generate $102,250 within just 7 days.

Step #1: CRM Clean-up

Knowing the average American moves jobs and changes email addresses every 4.1 years and that my client had been in business for almost a decade, I knew there would be a lot of old data in their CRM.

So, here is what I did:

  • Downloaded all of their contacts out of their CRM - mainly their past clients and prospects

  • Uploaded the list of contacts into Zerobounce - an email verification platform that scrubs your lists and identifies invalid emails. 

  • Let ZeroBounce work its magic and spit out a list of invalid emails

Over 500 contacts were identified as invalid and I wasn't surprised.

I've implemented this strategy for several years, and typically, I discover that invalid email addresses make up about 15% to 30% of a company's data.

Step #2: Developed a New Leads List

Once I extracted all of the invalid emails from the database, I had a list of 500+ people who had either:

  • Worked with this advertising agency 

  • Completed a discovery call with the agency 


  • I used LinkedIn to see why these emails came back as invalid. Typically, if the email is invalid it's because they left the company. 

  • So my team and I did some digging and removed anyone who was not qualified as a lead.

  • Leaving us with a ‘warm’ list of qualified buyers who knew of this agency.

  • Lastly, we opened up and pulled their new email addresses.

Resulting in a list of approximately, 425 "warm new" leads!

Step #3: Outreach

Armed with this new golden list, I created an outbound prospecting strategy for those leads. 

This wasn’t anything over the top or fancy, I simply had the advertising agency sales team reach out via email and LinkedIn. 

They wanted to make $100,000 quickly so I took the discovery calls for them.

And within the first week, I sold $102,250 worth of advertising services.

Not too shabby, right? 

Although this approach isn’t as ‘sexy’ as turning a cold lead into a paying customer – money is money. 

Whether it comes from old or new connections, your bottom line increases either way. 

PS: If you’re an agency owner, who wants to close $100,000+, DM me "sales" and let’s make it happen.

PPS: Ring my bell for more business (and sales) insights.

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